A Revolution In Learning Technologies

Technology is critical to the daily operations of businesses, and as experts in Learning and Development (L&D), we are seeing its effect extend to the way we design, conduct, and assist with corporate education. The modern L&D specialist must keep on top of eLearning advancements and developments in tools, platforms, resources, and techniques to meet the demands of adult learners in the workplace if they are to remain relevant. Both the systemic and individual roles of L&D will work differently as a result of the revolution in learning technology. To ensure future success in Learning and Development, try these five learning technologies now.

Top 5 eLearning Advancements For L&D Success

Chatbots And AI

Chatbots are Artificial Intelligence (AI) driven conversational interfaces. Alexa and Siri are two of the most notable bots available to the population. A chatbot’s objective is to have an audio or text interaction that sounds human.

Chatbots can be used in Learning and Development to administer tests and learning practices, identify employees’ progress following training, identify skill gaps, distribute questions in digestible pieces, and provide feedback. By randomly choosing an article from a carefully chosen collection and providing the learner with a synopsis, a chatbot may deliver bite-sized education. AI works as an instructor to teach anything that the learner wants.

AI helps learning professionals create tailored learning by providing insights based on massive amounts of data. AI suggests and arranges information for the learner’s gaps by giving a better knowledge of learner behaviors and anticipating requirements, in the same way that Netflix and YouTube provide a list of movies or videos you might be interested in viewing based on prior behavior. This is our best chance is to understand the tasks performed by our staff members and the instruments and methods that work best to promote learning-based performance.

Mobile Phones

In L&D, smartphone use offers several advantages for the learner and the company. Since many of us carry our cell phones or tablets constantly, accessing information on a mobile device is helpful for learners. The user has complete control over the time and location for professional growth while using mobile learning.

Microlearning, or quick, everyday learning that supports skills or behaviors, is another benefit of the mobile approach. There is more success with this approach. Everyone has hectic or unpredictable schedules, and those in highly active roles—like healthcare professionals—can benefit from mobile learning, which gives them flexible access to various delivery methods—like podcasts or YouTube videos—whenever it is convenient for them.


Gamification is a strategy rather than a technological eLearning advancement, but it provides students with a creative, productive, and interesting way to apply their knowledge in real-life settings. Users are more engaged and retain knowledge better when using this strategy because it makes them feel like they are playing a game. Any subject may be used to create simulations, and you can modify them to fit the learner’s ability level. Gamification is a less formal technique for achieving comprehension by allowing users to assess their knowledge or apply their grasp of complex subjects.

Gamification is not limited to the digital sphere, however. It may also be used in in-person training to model difficult problems that groups must work together to solve or to practice crisis management in a safe setting. The learners receive instant feedback on their decisions, which helps reinforce the new information or abilities that alter behavior, which is another advantage of this approach.


All forms of training are now delivered through eLearning, and hundreds of online courses are accessible. A method that increases the efficacy of eLearning is storytelling, which uses storylines to spark creativity and impart information. Using narrative in eLearning is an effective tactic for changing behavior and rooting the cultural norms of a company. Stories that are woven throughout the curriculum, as opposed to pages and pages of information and visuals, improve student engagement by highlighting the problem that includes the learning objectives. An excellent eLearning tale should have the following essential elements:

  • A task, obstacle, or aim that the protagonist, or main character, needs to accomplish.
  • Personas (at the very least, have a protagonist; do not forget to think about an adversary or sage mentor)
  • A narrative structure that is structured as follows: introduction, challenge, climax or pivotal moment, and challenge resolution.

Blended Learning

The facilitator is not necessarily the sole or most knowledgeable source of information in an adult learning setting. The participants are and ought to have a wealth of knowledge and expertise. With the aid of hybrid learning, participants may receive education in many forms, making the most of their in-person time for dialogue and information exchange.

With hybrid learning, participants may access materials in advance in the form of books, articles, podcasts, eLearning, videos, quizzes, and other formats. This allows them to participate in more productive learning activities during in-person or virtual sessions. By efficiently meeting each participant where they are and sharing experiences that deepen people’s knowledge of the topics they are learning, hybrid learning aims to create a more balanced learning environment.

Take Away

Everyone is occupied. Individuals want the best educational materials that fulfill their requirements in the convenient format of their choice when they identify a gap. As our responsibilities as L&D specialists grow more demanding, we must anticipate the learning technologies that lead to eLearning advancements that will enable us to continue offering value to clients in the most frictionless manner.

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