
How July 4th and Juneteenth Can Bring America Together

 Happy Independence Day Weekend! In this episode of The State of Belief, Interfaith Alliance’s weekly podcast and radio program, host Rev. Paul Brandeis Raushenbush


California Baptists cut staff, citing decline in Cooperative Program Giving

(RNS) — The California Southern Baptist Convention, one of 41 regional groups that make up the Southern Baptist Convention, announced this week that it had


American Jews and Israel: A Changing Political Landscape

Thursday, July 18, 2024 at 2:00 PM EST In the immediate aftermath of the Oct. 7 Hamas attacks on Israel, many American Jews proudly rushed


Teaching the Bible in Oklahoma

(RNS) — I’m guessing Oklahoma Superintendent of Public Instruction Ryan Walters has not been in the best of moods lately. This week, Oklahoma’s Supreme Court


Civil religion as a gateway to Christian nationalism

(Sightings) — Seventy years ago, the Pledge of Allegiance to the American flag was baptized. For its first six decades, the Pledge was “godless,” going


Christian Reformed synod tells LGBTQ-affirming churches to repent or disaffiliate

GRAND RAPIDS, Michigan (RNS) — At its annual national meeting this week, the Christian Reformed Church in North America, one of the oldest denominations in


What, to the white American, is the 19th of June?

(RNS) — On July 5, 1852, the Ladies Anti-Slavery Society of Rochester invited Frederick Douglass to give a speech on the 76th anniversary of the


In Mecca on Eid al Adha, carrying the burden of those lost in Gaza

MECCA (RNS) — This year, as millions of Muslims flock to the land where Abraham once offered his greatest sacrifice in the ritual pilgrimage known


A trans hermit reminds us that the church once saw sex difference as a matter of degree

(RNS) — Hard on the heels of a Vatican document adamantly rejecting trans and gender fluidity and condemning gender reassignment surgery, a Catholic hermit came


Southern Baptist President Bart Barber draws crowd near Indy before annual meeting

GREENFIELD, Indiana (RNS) — Before the debates, decisions and elections of the Southern Baptist Convention’s annual meeting, Texas pastor Bart Barber spent the last Sunday